Wedding ceremony legal requirements in Australia

What Are the Legal Requirements for Your Wedding Ceremony in Australia?

If you’re planning your wedding in Australia, it’s good to know what actually needs to happen during your ceremony to make it legal. There’s plenty of parts of your traditional wedding ceremony that aren’t actually required! So armed with this list you can go and plan the ceremony that’s perfect for you. Start with these and everything else is optional!

Here’s a quick list of the key legal requirements:

1. The Monitum

The Monitum is a statement that your authorised marriage celebrant must read aloud during the ceremony. It goes something like this:

“I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law.

Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.

Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”

It might sound a bit formal, but it’s a mandatory component.

2. Your Legal Vows

The legal vows are another must-have. There’s a required line that both you and your partner need to say during the ceremony:

"I call upon the people here present to witness that I, [full name], take you, [full name], to be my lawful wedded [wife/husband/spouse].”

You can add your personal vows around this, but that one sentence has to be included for your marriage to be legal.

3. Two Witnesses

You’ll need at least two witnesses who are over 18 to be present during the ceremony. They’ll sign the marriage certificates with you. These witnesses can be anyone—friends, family, or even guests you ask on the day!

4. Signing the Marriage Certificates

You and your partner will sign three marriage certificates. Your celebrant and witnesses will also sign, making everything official. One copy is kept by the celebrant, one goes to Births Deaths and Marriages in the State or Territory where you were married, and you get the final one for your records. This signing section traditionally happens during the ceremony but it can take place after the ceremony if you prefer.

And the Rest? It’s All Up to You!

Outside of these legal requirements, your ceremony can be whatever you want it to be! From personalised vows to including special traditions or readings, it’s your chance to make the day uniquely yours.

Click here to get some ideas to make your ceremony unique and fun.

Looking for a celebrant in the Mackay area who can make your ceremony perfect for you? Get in touch today!


Vows Guide: how to make your personal vows amazing.


Ways to Make Your Wedding Ceremony Unique